skampede 2024 artist line-up
Photo of two Stratum performers

Fairy-trail Victoria
5 Stages Theatre Company
Tour: Central

Show Description

A little girl searches the woods for Grandma’s house—
A house of hay, sticks, and bricks—
A beanstalk soars, tickling giants’ toes—

Which story will you uncover? Join us on this magical trail for a whimsical family-friendly Victoria mash-up of your favourite fairy tales.

Sydney Hunt, She/Her, Playwright, Director
Kevin Eastman, He/They, Performer
Alexandra Woodley, She/Her, Performer
Taylor Mclean, She/Her, Designer

Content Notes/Trigger Warnings


Photo of two Stratum performers

The Great Triscuit Heist
SNAFU Society of Unexpected Spectacles
Tour: Central

Show Description

On a grassy knoll, the audience gathers. A clown emerges from below a large blue swath of fabric … the bird pond and coaxes a flock of wild bird-like creatures to enter with dedicated theme music. With help form the audience and a box of treats, the water begins to ripple. The clock begins to dance. The dance becomes more elaborate, more complex, more absurd as the bird play for Triscuit treats.

Kathleen Greenfield (they/she) SNAFU Co-Artistic Producer & Performer
Jeni Luther (she/her) Creator/Performer
Islay McKechnie (they/she) Creator/Performer/Music
Logan Pahl (he/him) Performer
Stan Lloyd (he/him) Performer

Content Notes/Trigger Warnings

Audience Interaction

Photo of two Stratum performers

Fast Bus
Tour: Central

Show Description

Toot toot! Beep beep! Honk honk! Fast Bus invites you (yes, you) to grab a seat and join us on an improvised musical road trip. Don’t forget to pack suggestions and sound effects to inspire our story.

Wait, what is this show about? Where is this bus going?! Who’s even on board this thing?!? We need YOU to help us find out! Like all good road trips, Fast Bus is about the journey.

Islay McKechnie (they/she): Creator/Musical Director
Ciaran Volke (he/him): Creator/Performer
Amancio LeRoux (he/they): Creator/Performer
Danny Saretsky (he/him): Creator/Performer

Content Notes/Trigger Warnings


Photo of two Stratum performers

Whale Fall
timetheft theatre
Tour: Central

Show Description

As a whale dies, and falls deeper and deeper into the ocean, its corpse forms a new ecosystem at the bottom of the ocean. Sea creatures of all kinds come to snack on what’s left, and in the process their interactions and cohabitation make this dead whale a home. Using live music, dance, and the ocean itself, Whale Fall is a piece that artistically represents both the process of an actual whale fall, and the deeper woven meaning of the process of community unity and growth after loss.

El Newell (they/she): creator and facilitator
Aiden Finn (he/him): dancer and deviser
Thomas Moore (he/they): dancer and deviser
Mariah Madill (she/her): dancer and deviser
Sierra Alexander  (She/her): dancer and deviser
Artemis Flores (She/they): composer and musician


Content Notes/Trigger Warnings

There will be music played at a moderate volume from an amplifier hooked up to an electric guitar. Dancers will also be jumping on trampolines but will not interact or touch audience.

Photo of two Stratum performers

The Great Sheist
Spec Theatre with Keith Sonic
Tour: Songhees

Show Description

A robber late to a robbery looks very unprofessional. At the same time, one might argue being a robber is a very unprofessional profession. What do you know about robber unions? Vacation time? Benefits? Professional Development? Wacky balaclava Thursdays? A weird improv silly-not-real-robbery performance thing by 2 local artmakers: ira cooper (Spec Theatre), Keith Sonic (Keith Sonic). and @keithsonic

Content Notes/Trigger Warnings

audience participation, fake robbery, cartoon violence, simulated photo is taken


Photo of two Stratum performers

Embrace Arts Foundation
Tour: Songhees

Show Description

“Treasure?” is a play based, pirate adventure for all ages. It follows a crew of pirates as they try to find their treasure. The audience is invited to play directly in the sand with us (if they want) and what the audience discovers will change the course of the show. Treasure? is an interactive, structured improvisation that will take audiences on a different adventure each time.

Corina Fischer (She/They) – Director, Performer, Designer
Adam Irwin-Gunn (He/Him) – Performer
Mar Mar (He/They) – Performer
Embrace Staff Team* (They/Them) – Swing Performer/Access Coordination/Designer

Instagram: @embraceartsf

Content Notes/Trigger Warnings


Photo of two Stratum performers

Defending the Planet
Tamarack Neurodivergent Theatre
Tour: Songhees

Show Description

Tamarack Theatre presents an environmental twist on the traditional mummers’ play — our hero battles threats to the water and land with hilarious results and great victories! Cheer on the Protector of the Gorge and boo the challengers…it’s all in fun!

Kendra Bidwell (she/her) – Director

Content Notes/Trigger Warnings


Photo of two Stratum performers

Birds of a Feather
Alectoria Productions
Tour: Songhees

Show Description

Two animals from different walks of life – A raven prince – Vrana – and a simple frog – Grecka – stumble across each other on a very special night: Vrana’s Debutante ball. They both long for something different – Vrana wishing for a peaceful night away from rules and strictures, and Grecka hoping to enjoy a night of lush extravagance. They help each other achieve their goals, and they both gain something valuable – a new friend.

Sarah Shepherd (any pronouns) – Writer/Costume Designer
Maddy Kirstein (any pronouns) – Director
August Elzinga (they/them) – Performer
Lunden Rose (she/her) – Performer
Holden Mckechnie (he/they) – Performer


Content Notes/Trigger Warnings