Past SKAMpede Lineups

2023 line up:

Central Tour

Sarah Hin Ching U | Stratum | Burnaby, BC
Salty Broad Productions | (You’re Invited To) Mary’s Very Beary Special Teddy Bear Picnic | Victoria, BC
Green Hummingbird Productions | Dawn of the Hermit Crab | Victoria, BC
SNAFU Society of Unexpected Spectacles | Suitable Transpo: A Junk Puppet Spectacle | Victoria, BC

Songhees Tour

Sydney Hunt | E. Carr | Victoria, BC
Fairy Schedule | I Do Believe in Ferries | Maple Ridge, BC
Melody and Movement | crawling to the other side of the centre | Victoria, BC
Ez’s Dandies | Diamonds Aren’t Forever | Victoria, BC

The Hub

Compagnie SHIFT SHAPE | ROVERS | Pantin, France
Bragi Theatre | King of Soup | Victoria, BC
Donna Michelle St. Bernard and Cole Alvis | Come Closer | Toronto, ON
Kunji Ikeda and Douglas Peerless | Choice and Choiceability | Toronto, ON

Choice and Choiceability by Kunji Ikeda and Douglas Peerless

Come Closer by Donna Michelle St. Bernard and Cole Avis

E. Carr by Sydney Hunt

Diamonds Aren't Forever by Ez's Dandies

I Do Believe in Ferries by Fairy Schedule

Suitable Transpo: A Junk Puppet Spectacle by SNAFU Society of Unexpected Spectacles

(You're Invited To) Mary's Very Beary Special Teddy Bear Picnic by Salty Broad Productions

2022 line up:

Selkirk Tour

Baobab | ENTROPIC FOGS | Montreal
Fear No Opera | Breathe in the Beauty | Victoria
Extended Space Theatre | BIAS | Victoria
Reverse Puppet Productions
 | “When Everything Goes To Hell, I’ll Meet You At Our Spot” | Victoria


Atomic Vaudeville | Hello Again | Victoria
Embrace Arts Foundation | articulate | Victoria
Traverse Arts Theatre | to be them/to be us | Victoria
Katie Cassady | funky fungi | Vancouver


Tara Rajah and Kira RadosevicEnvironmental Vibrations | Vancouver
Accompany Theatre | Deep End | Victoria
SNAFU Society of Unexpected Spectacles | Not Enough Sunscreen in the World | Victoria


Breathe in the Beauty by Fear No Opera

BIAS by Extended Space Theatre

When Everything Goes to Hell, I'll Meet You At Our Spot by Reverse Puppet Productions

Hello Again by Atomic Vaudeville

articulate by Embrace Arts Foundation

to be them/to be us by Traverse Arts Theatre

funky fungi by Katie Cassidy

Environmental Vibrations by Tara Rajah and Kira Radosevic

Deep End by Accompany Theatre

Not Enough Sunscreen in the World by SNAFU

2021 line up:


Jayne Walling | The Big Wail | Victoria
EmilyCase Prods
| Curiosity | Vancouver
SKAM Young Company | End of TermVictoria
Visible Bodies Collective
| Mother TongueVictoria

Harbour Downtown

Bottled Theatre | The Open GateVictoria
Impulse Theatre | Molecular LandscapeVictoria
Vitor Freitas Dance| Dancing Voices, Traveling BodiesVictoria
Extended Space Theatre Collective
| GRASPVictoria


Over the Moon Puppet Theatre | In Orbit | Victoria
SNAFU Dance Theatre | AtmosphereVictoria
Bragi Theatre | The Search for the Great Black SalamanderVictoria
Broad Theatrics
| Sideshow CarniesVictoria

Cecelia Ravine

Little Fish Productions | Fantastic Fun Zone | Vancouver
Regina Ríos | A DistanciaVictoria
Mystery Theatre Squad | The Great AscentVictoria
Finally Grand Productions
| Look It UpVictoria

 Yarrow Collective | POLLINATORS


A huge thank you to our performers, including the Lekwungen Traditional Dancers, the Victoria Aerialist Collective, Impulse Response Band, and Brooke Maxwell.

The Big Wail by Jayne Walling

Curiosity by EmilyCase Prods

End of Term by SKAM Young Company

Mother Tongue by Visible Bodies Collective

The Open Gate by Bottled Theatre

Molecular Landscape by Impulse Theatre

Dancing Voices, Traveling Bodies by Vitor Freitas Dance

GRASP by Extended Space Theatre Collective

In Orbit by Over the Moon Puppet Theatre

Atmosphere by SNAFU Dance Theatre

The Search for the Great Black Salamander by Bragi Theatre

Sideshow Carnies by Broad Theatrics

Fantastic Fun Zone by Little Fish Productions

A Distancia by Regina Ríos

The Great Ascent by Mystery Theatre Squad

Look It Up by Finally Grand Productions

2020 line up:

Impulse Theatre | Conversations With the Sea | Victoria
SNAFU Society of Unexpected Spectacles
| The Goosening | Victoria
Lekwungen Traditional Dancers
Tamarack Theatre Collective
| Life, Unfiltered | Victoria
Hilary Wheeler & Hannah Mariko Bell | The Media Zoo | Victoria
Another Theatre Couple | The Summer of Bears | Victoria
NickelPumpernickel | to raise a butterfly | Victoria

Conversations with the Sea by Impulse Theatre

The Goosening by SNAFU Society of Unexpected Spectacles

The Lekwungen Traditional Dancers

Life, Unfiltered by Tamarack Theatre Collective

The Media Zoo by Hillary Wheeler & Hannah Mariko Bell

The Summer of Bears by Another Theatre Couple

to raise a butterfly by NickelPumpernickel

2019 lineup:

Over the Moon Puppet Theatre | Pieces of the Moon |  Victoria
Theatre on Earth The Beauty Buskers | Vancouver
Salty Broad Productions Saltines Mystery Party | Victoria
Lekwungen Traditional Dancers
Tea Time Creation Co  The Arbourists | Halifax, NS
Nebula Theatre Company Earth Camp | Vancouver
Embrace Arts Foundation Sylvia and the Cephalopod | Victoria
Christine Tootoo and Rico Manitok Mystery Show |  Iqaluit, NU
Macromatter Alien Forms | Kingston, ON
Tricoz Productions Reminiscences of Reconciliation | Victoria
SpiderWebShow Performance Crowd Source | Kingston, ON, Banff, AB
Harold Hejazi’s Float: An Animated Podcast with Godfrey  Stephens | Victoria
Stand Up Dance | Dance Like No One is Watching | Toronto, ON
Alex Bulmer and Jennifer Brewin Twenty Minutes Later | Toronto, ON

Over the Moon Puppet Theatre’s Pieces of the Moon

Swimming in the Gorge by Harold Hejazi

Winnie Gertzke: Champion Off Ice by Running in Heels Productions

Theatre on Earth


Christine Tootoo

Salty Broad Productions

2018 line up:

Zopyra Theatre | After Death Do Us Party| Toronto
Lisa C Ravensbergen | Baamse Gaaji Niige’aan walking where i check traps | Kingston
Impulse Theatre | the family | Victoria
Launch Pad Theatre | Rainforest Rose and the Fate of the Phantom Orchid |Victoria
The Only Animal | The Typing Pool | Gibsons
Copper Forks Collective | Bee and the Wishing Tree | Toronto
Kai Taddei | Sk8ter Boi | Victoria
Embrace Arts Foundation | Creature Caste | Victoria
Embrace Theatre | Lost & Alone: A Clown’s Ordeal |Saskatoon
DANCE BERSERKER DANCE | All Happy Families | Victoria
Bragi Theatre | Kid Viking | Victoria
Hush Money | Community Outreach | Victoria
MOMS | Asking Alice | Coquitlam
Story Theatre | The Honeymoon | Victoria
Juniper Tree |  Victoria
Theatre Nutshell | Prop | Victoria
Michelle Hibbins & Ingrid Moore | Curious Lemonade | Victoria


2017 line up:

Trail shows:

ARTICLE 11 | A Buck and a Half | Edmonton
All Bodies Dance Project | Verbatim | Vancouver
Bragi Theatre | Rural Ravaillac | Victoria
charm / strange theatre | Scatter | Edmonton
The Click | Cowabunga | Victoria
Eloi Homier | La End | Vancouver
Harold Hejazi | Swimming in the Gorge | Victoria
Johanna Nutter | Tree Hug | Montreal
Keep Good (Theatre) Company | Babes | Halifax
Kerri Flannigan | Blue Crush | Victoria
Running in Heels Productions | Winnie Gertske, Champion Off Ice | Edmonton
Theatre Nutshell | Leechtown | Victoria

Hub shows:

CSTA Dance Collective Sharing Patterns and Good Vibrations | Victoria
Garry Greenspoon | Magic Lantern | Victoria
Isabelle Kirouac | Habitats | Vancouver
Jane Bee | Butterfly | Victoria
Monkey C Interactive | 
Registroid | Victoria
Nebula Company Theatre | My Other Half | Vancouver